Monday, July 31, 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More of Meeeee...

Some more pretty pics of me taken today during play time.

I said play time is ooooooooover!!!

Insistant Erika - ready for another sleep :)

Busy Busy Bee.... PLAYTIME!!

I got these balloons at Valentines when I went to see Grandad. I love playing with them, they are so much fun!
Tina doesnt really like to play with me - but one day she might :)
Erika Louise is a star... S.... T... A and R

Ive got my remote and Im trying to swap it for a camera, but so far its not happening.

Pleeeease can I have the camera??? Im using my cute duck lips!

Erika is getting to be so much fun to play with. She plays pretend and tries bigger and bigger obstacles to climb over. We got a small foam kiddies couch off the side of the road, which she just loves - and she climbs over the back of it and back again laughing all the way. She thinks its hilarious. It folds down into a bed and she dives on it giggling with her skippy toy. Funny baby.

Whenever she says hello she puts her hand to her ear like a phone and says Aaah dooow. Or sometimes misses the 'd' Aaah ooow. Very cute. She is trying to say more words - like she makes noises quite similar to 'how are you' and tries to copy the movements your lips make when you are talking.

She also likes to taste whatever anyone is eating, puts her hand out and makes a high pitch squeal. If the food is specifically for her she will only allow a tiny bit into her mouth to taste it, then if she likes it - its all good, but if she doesnt like the food - she wont open her mouth again! Fussy tart.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

:( Chunder chucker

Erika has been a bit sick today. She threw up in the car and has been whingy all day!
She has been hard work but seems to be feeling better tonight. The pics above are her play time early afternoon. She had a sleep in the car and seemed to be feeling a lot better after her sleep.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

18 July 2006 Sleepy Girl...

Play time before bed... why did you take my ball away??

I love my bottle - but cant work out why you are waving that camera at me

OK - go away now, I need to sleep...

I had a good day today but I have been very fragile all day. I nutted out when Nana left the room. She only went downstairs to get something and left me upstairs eating in my highchair with Craig.

Ive been practicing walking along furniture - Im getting really good at it now and my favourite toy this evening has been the baby piano. I like finding the "C - Cat...miaow" button then turning round with my nose all wrinkled up to find whoever is watching and laugh really loud with them.

I had meat patties for dinner and didnt really like it much so I tipped it on the floor for Zack.

When Mum got home I was next door at Marys place with Nana. Mum came over and I was sitting in Marys kitchen on Nanas knee. I saw Mum coming all the way from Marys letterbox and no one else noticed. I got off Nanas knee and crawled all the way to the ranch slider to her before anyone even noticed she was there! Im sooo observant!

I tried to sleep this afternoon but only slept for 1 hour because some people are building something down the back and were using skill saws and big excavating equipment. I tried to sleep this morning but cried so much Nana got me back up... so I was really tired tonight!

Tell you what Ive been doing tomorrow...GOOD NIGHT!!!

For my Daddy...

I miss you Daddy. Ive been looking for you - under your pillow and in the bathroom.

Im a bit frightened, I dont like being on my own in my room anymore...I cry if Im alone in any room or if Mum walks away. Im very clingy and I cant go to sleep very well right now.

But Im still smiling most the time and I'm looking forward to seeing you - I hope not too long before I see you.

Monday, July 10, 2006



I love food :) One of my favorite passtimes is scoffing crackers and I mostly like savory stuff instead of sweet stuff.

Sadly I like beer and will try to jump out of peoples arms to get wine from Daddy

Erika has become a very cheeky wee girl, full of personality and determination. She is 11 months old and can now crawl and pull herself up on anything. She is beginning to cruise around furniture and has a set of lungs on her like a bull elephant. Man can she holler!! She is very skilled at turning on tears when she feels they are needed

She loves singing and dances while sitting on the floor. She will headbang if she is crawling and likes the music she hears.

Erika talks more now, she says Mumma and Dada, Nana and Dog. She says Pa for Poppa and kind of says teded for Teddy.

She is very entertaining!