Erika had a really nice day. She spent the morning playing with her mummy and her new baby doll and her teddy in the rocking chair. She wore a special hair tie bought specially for her big-girl day and looked so pretty!
She was very happy and laughed and smiled until I took her to daycare. She had fun at daycare with her lovely carers and all her friends.
I picked her up early and we went home to play.
She got a flash tent from her Grandad and Brenda which she loves and plays with ALL the time. She can do all the stuff on it which makes her feel very big. She got a spunky cord jacket from her Nana and a cool blue outfit with some shoes. As you can see she looks older than she is with her grown up jacket on. She got given a beautiful chocolate teddy cake which Luca made specially for her and Renata bought round to have a little party with us. Renata also bought her some balloons which she took massive delight in - especially when one popped. Erika thought that was hilarious and she tried to pop the rest after that. She had a very cool number 1 birthday candle which she tried really hard to blow out.
Her favorite thing was watching her mummy get banged on the head with a balloon... yay.
She also got a really cool pink jacket, blue pants and a funky sport jacket from our lovely neighbour Mary and an awesome pair of pink pants and a blue cord hat from her cousins Dylan and Ryan and Aunty Andrie and Uncle Michael which matches her jacket from Nana!
Erika was lucky enough to get a cute doll from them as well and a cuddly doll with really long hair from Poppa.
After having some cake and dinner we jumped in the car and raced off to play with Daddy then took the very very tired big girl home to her bed.
WHAT a big day!