Thursday, January 24, 2008

Erika dah pandai baca dah

Erika baca buku kegemaran dia. Yang paling gempak tu, dia bukannya baca tapi hafal.

mana ada budak 2 setengah tahun tahu baca!! Pandai anak abah.

Mintak maaf gambar kurang memuaskan. nanti along post video baru yang terang sikit K

Friday, January 11, 2008

Building Sandcastles at Tepapakanga Regional Park

We visited Tepapakanga Regional Park for a day which means something about Kingfishers, there are a few of them around....

Erikas face is covered with Calamine Lotion as she was attacked by mosquitoes in the night and I was trying to stop her scratching them. She had a great time - it was a really nice day.

Not too hot - a little overcast but no rain, perfect.

She has decided she wants something but needs a hand to do it.

She gets a helper to take her to the water to fill her bucket with water...

She has her own ways of getting what she needs

She waits at the edge for it to be filled (doesnt want to actually go in the water this time) then takes her bucket back.

She tips her bucket of water out - onto someone elses sand castle...

Then watches to see the water disappear..

She collects some shells for her friend

... checks out some more shells and someones writing in the sand

Then looks around for more exciting things to do

Everyone heads off to the playground where Erika is again the princess - looked after and doted on by all around her...

Erika loves to be swung high and had a brilliant day :)

Xmas BBQ with my Grandad

Singing songs with my granddaddy while I have a swim:

We ate and swam and sang - and were all very merry!

Fascinating big Fishy

One of the kids caught a massive 2.1kg eel which won the eeling competition out at Orere Point camp ground and it absolutely fascinated Erika. She wouldnt get away from it:

Swimming and Boating! My favorites!

We camped at Orere Point camping ground and Erika got really into swimming this year. She loved floating on a wave rider with a see through plastic square and watching the bottom of the river go by below her (but I didnt get pics of that as I was beside her making sure she didnt fall off) and she loved riding in the blow up boat:

Genetically Flawed?

Aaah got maah big girl teeth and aaah look just like maah mummah...


Keeping clean while camping

We went out to Orere Point again this year. Erika had a great time and slept in late each morning. It was lovely sleeping next to a babbling creek with Tuis waking us up each day. It didnt rain at all this year and we really enjoyed our stay.

Here are pictures of Erika having a bath... the bottle only had water in it by the way. She was playing with it:

I swear it was only water :)

Erika had such a good time camping - check out the grin on her face:

Im a BIG KID now : -)

One of our achievements over the holidays was that I managed to wean Erika permanently off a dummy and bottle. She no longer has a daytime bottle either - sleeps in a big girls bed, sits at the table to eat all her meals, attempts to dress herself (and does really well at it) puts her own shoes and socks on and we are in the process of starting toilet training. She still doesnt watch TV - we dont turn it on at our house so thats easy to keep her away from.

Erika looks tiny sitting at the table, but she feels pretty big when shes up there :)

Im really proud of how well she is doing. She did start having tantrums but they are easy to handle and mostly she goes to her room to have a tantrum then comes out when she is finished. She only ever has a tantrum if she wants something she cant have and thinks she should be allowed it - like chocolate at dinner time...

Santa came - pressies all round...

Erika got a cool bunch of presents this year. Must have been an especially good girl. She especially loved her brand new books, she got a massive collection of little golden books that went down a treat and she lugged them everywhere with her for the next two weeks - usually trying to pick up all of them at the same time. She got a Winnie the Pooh DVD sent to her and one of the stories is the same as her little golden book, so we have to read that story ALL THE TIME! She loves Winnie the Pooh. She actually cried when Winnie the Pooh got stuck in a hole coming out of Rabbits 'howse'. She got lots of neat toys and games but the books were her favorites.

Christmas Red with Santa trims... we had a great christmas!

Our Xmas Tree

Posing in her fancy new suit....

Erika was given a really cute Santa suit to wear at chrismas time this year. She felt pretty special in it! She loved helping decorate the tree and watched the lights as they went up around the house and on the tree.... fun fun fun!

Her signature smile for the camera shot - not pretty ... but pretty funny!
Showing off her brand new clothes: