Erika went to Zoes 3rd birthday party looking much like a princess. Unfortunately the bridesmaid outshone the bride at this particular event. Looking beautiful ... but acting like a shy brat.
She was looking forward to Zoes party so much that she counted the sleeps since Tuesday. Saturday finally came round and she counted the hours down til she could go to the party... then was so shy she cried and wouldn't play with her friends or sit at the table for the delicious kiddie party food.
In this pic, Erika is hanging back from the table in front of me while her friends tuck into their sugary feast.
She even had to be coaxed to have a piece of cake. Very frustrating!
She was content to hold Lynnies hand and wait for cake while I tried to get more pics of her pretty dress
Then stuffed her face like a true lady.
However, with 5 mins left of partytime she loosened up and played with the bubbles and the other kids.
Playing with bubbles is very serious business!
In the end she had a great party and didnt want to go home!