Sunday, October 23, 2005

Welcome to Erikas Diary

We have decided to create an online diary for Erika so anyone who wants to see her progress and find out what is happening in her world can come to her site and check out whats gossip.
We will endeavor to post any significant events and recent pictures on here and if you want to you can add to her page!
Right now Erika is 10 and a half weeks old and is beautiful! She is very strong and has held her head up since birth. She is smiling and cooing - but is a bit stingy with her smiles. Shes very alert and doesnt cry much. Shes starting to get a bit clingy to her mum and is beginning to cry when other people hold her - including her daddy! She likes routine a lot and gets very unsettled if we take her out all day. She doesnt sleep well when she is out, and so gets grumpy and overtired at the end of the tonight! Shes still fighting sleep at 9.30pm.

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